Distance Townsville to Coffs Harbour

1747 KM 1382 KM

From: Townsville, Queensland, Australia - To: Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia
Distance calculator: driving distance and straight line distance, route on map, travel time (driving and flying time), average speed and alternative routes.

Distance between Townsville and Coffs Harbour

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distance by car :
Driving distance: 1747 km (1086 mi)
Driving time : 20 Hours 45 Minutes
Average speed : 84.2 km (52.3 mi) /h

Calculator: fuel cost & consumption
distance (km)
Unit values:
Fuel consumption & Price
Price : */L

Fuel Consumption & Costs
Fuel - L
Total costs

122 L
610 *
* the currency

distance by plane
Flying distance: 1382 km (859 mi)
Estimated Flight time: 1 hour, 43 min. ( km/h)
You can change the speed to recalculate the flight time.

- Distance -
What is the distance between Townsville and Coffs Harbour? How far is Townsville from Coffs Harbour?
Number of kilometers and miles. Road distance (by car, by bus) is 1747 km (1086 mi) en Distance as the crow flies (straight line) is 1382 km (859 mi)

- Travel time -
How long does it take to get from Townsville to Coffs Harbour by car? Duration: 20 Hours 45 Minutes
How long does it take to fly to Townsville from Coffs Harbour? Flying time: 1 hour, 43 min. (800km/h)

Return route townsville coffs harbour: Not available.
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Distance Townsville Coffs Harbour is 1747 (1382) km.
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